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We found 13 matching commercial properties. Now displaying commercial properties 1 to 5.
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#Type of propertyID NumberTotal Available Sq ft(min)Type of LeaseDistrict/Town/AreaCitySave
1Industrial Property10095000For Lease/RentSTROUDSBURG
For Lease/Rent - Industrial Space in Stroudsburg Park
Rent: $4.5 - $4.5 per sq ft per year
Photo for Commercial Property 1009

Flexible industrial and commercial space in the center of Stroudsburg Large space with 5,000 square feet, three phase electric and loading docks Easy access to Interstate 80 from North 2nd Street ....
2Office Space10171600For Lease/RentSTROUDSBURG
For Lease/Rent - Two-Story Office Building
Rent: $1800 - $1800 per unit per month
Photo for Commercial Property 1017

Two-story office space just off Route 191 in Stroudsburg This 1,600 square foot, free standing building has four rooms on the first floor and three rooms on the second floor Property is in excellent condition and had parking for 10+ vehicles Less than 1 5 miles to Interstate 80, Route 611, ....
3Commercial Space10682000For Lease/RentBELLE VERNON
For Lease/Rent - PRIME OFFICE SPACE with building frontage on I-70 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY
Rent: $1.75 - $40 per sq ft per month
Photo for Commercial Property 1068

Site located between two exit and two on ramps to I-70


Building frontage on I-70 Building Signage can be viewed from Highway

Ample Parking and space for truck maneuvering ....
4Shopping Center10691200For Lease/RentEFFORT
For Lease/Rent - 3 Spaces in New Strip Center #1
Rent: $16 - $16 per sq ft per year
$1600 - $1867 per unit per month
Photo for Commercial Property 1069

Mountain Crest Plaza is a beautiful new strip center in an under-served and growing area Three spaces available can be leased individually or combined to suit your needs Center tenants include pizzeria, dollar store and nail salon Geothermal heating and cooling system is environmentally responsible and economical! Locate your retail ....
5Office Space1106900For Lease/RentExtonEXTON
For Lease/Rent - Street Level Space
Rent: $12.67 - $16 per unit per year
$950 - $1867 per unit per month
Photo for Commercial Property 1106

This office near Exton shopping

/>mall Street level 2
office and

space available for
/>system Ample
/>spaces ....
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